Well, as you can see we have a new member of our family. The picture above is courtesy of google images. For some reason my camera is not uploading to my computer. The puppy in this picture looks like it could be my puppy's twin. Can you guess what kind of puppy we got?
It looks like a black lab but think much bigger. Yes it is a Great Dane.
Jon woke me up Saturday morning telling me he found Great Dane puppies on Craigslist for 200 dollars. I was amazed that he wanted a puppy in the first place. We paid 175! He is a full breed and he comes from an amazing heritage. His father "Titus" was such an amazing creature. He weighs 175 pounds and his owner says he's 30 pounds under weight. He was HUGE, ENORMOUS, MASSIVE, COLOSSAL, words can't express how big he was.
We named our puppy Stryder because he reminds me of a leader. His personality we are so delighted with. He is the gentlest puppy I have ever met. He is very calm for a puppy and very smart. We are almost there when it comes to potty training. I think the only reason he still has accidents is because he doesn't want to go out in the cold, (DId I mention that he is lazy ?)
He loves sleeping in front of the warm fire. He plays with the cats and already knows "sit" and "shake" :)
We need to socialize him more so he can be tame with other dogs.
I am excited to raise little Zane with this dog. I want Zane growing up understanding animals and to not be afraid of them. I want him to know that God gave us dominion over the animals of the earth and the blessings that come with that. I also am glad to know that we have a guard dog who will be able to keep his ear tuned in if we ever have an intruder in our home at night or while I'm home without Jon.
We still can't quite fathom that we will have a horse on our hands pretty soon:P