Gosh let me say I had to get a tissue to dab my eyes!!!! What a sweet post. I hope my girls (all 7 of them) will feel like this towards me in their adult years :) What a blessing of a relationship!! I love the picture too!! Very sweet!! Happy birthday to your mom!!
Have to add that as I was pushing send on my comment Sam my 10 yr old son walks in and said awwww who is that adorable baby.....guess you can say we are all baby folks around here :)
Oh Marie, well you really did get me crying at the end of a very special day. Thank you soooo much for such a blessing. Thank you also, Mamajil, Kirsteen, Anne and No place like home. How delightful to have such sweet wishes from you all. Much Love, Pam
From Ashes We Came...
[image: From Ashes To Ashes, Living From Glory To Glory Blog]
Click The Link Below
From Ashes We Came
Lyrics: Forty Days (From Ashes We Came) For...
Website Resmi PAFI Kabupaten Mamberamo Raya
Website resmi PAFI Kabupaten Mamberamo Raya merupakan sumber informasi
penting tentang organisasi tersebut. Dengan akses ke website ini, Anda
dapat mengeta...
Fastest Summer Ever
Hello, dear friends! I'm so sorry I've been absent here for so long! Summer
has been so wonderfully busy and full of joy. We have been doing lots of
still here...
... in my little world where, if I'm not playing with yummy fabric scraps,
I might be browsing for ideas as to what to make with my big stash of
thrifted w...
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
I hope you’ve all been doing well, staying safe, and (hopefully) getting
back to some glimpse of normal. I know normal is a relative term, and I
swear, I s...
How to Make Sunflower Potpourri
I love having fresh flowers in the house when I can. Once they begin to
fade and wilt, I have a hard time throwing them out. So if thy are
especially ...
The Best Laid Plans .... an' all that
Last Saturday evening, I posted this photo
on my Homeschool on the Croft Facebook page, and on Instagram, with the
following caption:
This is my Sunday ...
Most Beautiful Filipino Female Stars
10. Jane O'Nes
[image: Beautiful-Filipino-Actress-Jane-Oineza]
Jane Orenza is a Filipino player, a commercial model and singer. He started
working in the en...
Sunday Scoop
Happy Sunday, sweet friends! So much on the go! Here’s the scoop on the
past week in the land of sprinkles and cakelets: MONDAY: Spent the day
among sprink...
What I've Been Enjoying
The library's sale shelves. I've gotten some great stuff for very little,
and I enjoy supporting the library. I try to stop and check at least once a
B/W Challenge
*You know that sinking feeling, in the pit of your stomach?*
*The feeling that something is terribly wrong.*
*It's worse than the monster under your bed,...
Top 10 Money Saving Tips For Touring NYC
I just returned from my third wonderful trip of seeing New York City on a
budget. It truly can be done! All of the following opinions are solely my
own. ...
baked lemon & blueberry french toast
*Happy Spring, friends!*
Spring is spectacular here in Northern Virginia!
I am in awe every day at the bright colors, stunning flowering trees,
Cultivating a Grateful Heart
Reflecting on our past experiences can be painful, hard, and sometimes
unpredictable. This thanksgiving season, I found that this practice is more
Heaven’s Enjoyment
“What is the enjoyment of heaven? Not merely exemption from trial, freedom
from sorrow, rest from toil, and release from conflicts—oh no! It is the
An elephant, an owl, and a hedgehog.
They’re here! These brand new board books arrived filled with delightful
stories by Amy Parker and darling illustrations by my sister Breezy
Brookshire! Th...
Fruitful Hospitality....
*"Hospitality doesn’t mean perfect and it doesn’t mean expensive. It’s not
about entertaining and it’s not about impressing….. rather it simply is a
Wow, the time has flown since my last update. It's probably not hard to
guess part of the reason behind my blog silence. I'll let pictures speak
for themse...
Legend (2015)
Full Legend in HD QualityNow you can play full Legend in high definition
format with duration 131 Min and was released on 2015-09-09 with MPAA
rating is 4...
Things I'm loving...
Some of the simple things I've loved this week.
Calum (12) had a history project to do. His class were told to think of a
question about anything in h...
Rachel Elizabeth
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be
ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. “
Rachel Elizabeth Coder
Life in Uganda
We have been in Uganda for a little over 2 months. Quite frankly I was
ready to come, but had no concept of what it was like here. I am s...
Wedding Dress Sugar Cookies
The past three months have whizzed by quickly, and I’ve been knee-deep in
preparations for my son’s wedding on May 10. Aside from searching for a
dress, a...
Adding another
sources: Voila Studio
Our home study is approved...the world of social workers believes that we
are capable and ready to parent another little one. Everyo...
Pumpkin, a love story.
Dear Pumpkin, I have loved lots of autumn things. Crimson leaves, fireplace
nights, warm cider, soup. But you, dear pumpkin, I don’t just love you. I
Celebrating Birthdays...
This year, in lieu of presents, we decided to try out a new way of
celebrating our children's birthdays.
Truthfully, my children have very little need ...
these simple shapes
These simple shapes are all about my creative space at the moment. And they
came about quite unexpectedly.
In the midst of making some curtains for the l...
I moved again!
It used to be "CountyLifeintheCity.blogspot.com" but while I was talking to
Pam author of Where Your Treasure Is I realized that I misspelled Country
(I fo...
recent good blog reads
here are a few blog posts that have recently spoken to me. some made me
laugh. some made me cry. and a rare few that were REALLY good made me do
both at th...
Hey y'all.....
In my last post in June, I shared how my hubs and I were on our way to
Florida to bid farewell to our dear SIL Bryan as he departed on an...
Rosie & Bear Calendar Quilt
My quilt is finished!! And I'm putting the book together now. To learn
more and pre-register your interest to qualify for a discount please visit
my new...
I'm back...but some place else
So, I'm back... sort of. I'm back to blogging, but I have a new blogging
home stop by and let me know what you think! I look forward to connecting
with you...
5x7 Folded Card
I'm ordering Christmas Cards Early This Year!
Seashell Wishes Holiday Card
Create modern holiday cards with your photos at Shutterfly.
View the entire co...
Forget about being boring, it is time for something new and fresh, so with
that said. I have put the old behind and started a new. Come on over to
Praying for what lies ahead....
By now we are all aware of the terrible economic situation we are in,
particularly in the U.S. but also around the world. Record weather-related
After Four Years and 1,479 Posts, It's Time
Time to say goodbye?
Not exactly. After all, goodbye is so *final*.
How about this: I'm moving!!!
That's right. After four fantastic years of blogging...
Cupcake Bouquet!
*This cupcake bouquet is fun and easy to make! I happened upon this cute
idea online! I made it for a friend of mine, and she thought it really was
a bou...
Gosh let me say I had to get a tissue to dab my eyes!!!! What a sweet post. I hope my girls (all 7 of them) will feel like this towards me in their adult years :) What a blessing of a relationship!!
I love the picture too!! Very sweet!! Happy birthday to your mom!!
Have to add that as I was pushing send on my comment Sam my 10 yr old son walks in and said awwww who is that adorable baby.....guess you can say we are all baby folks around here :)
Happy Birthday to your Mom! ♥
Oh Pam, Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great one....just have a look at the photo, and that'll make your day!
Lots of love, x
Happy birthday to your mom, how young does she look!! Hope you have a very special birthday xxx
Oh Marie, well you really did get me crying at the end of a very special day. Thank you soooo much for such a blessing. Thank you also, Mamajil, Kirsteen, Anne and No place like home. How delightful to have such sweet wishes from you all.
Much Love,
oops signed in on Dad's e-mail address, gonna try again under me... lets see if I am successful.
Love Mom
OK that was the sweetest birthday wish. it is sweet that you and your mom are so close and share a special bond.
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