
Monday, February 14, 2011

A Valentine's Day Tea With Babies and Pup

Today has been so pleasant and cozy for Valentines. After Zane's nap we had some lunch and then turned on Cranford to watch and a nice cozy tea.
Zane and Strydess waiting together for tea to be brought out. They were watching a lady and little girl walking down the side walk.
 Zane loves watching period dramas. He loves looking for the horses and when he sees them he says, "MOOO" :)
Nana Strydess caring for the baby while I am busy.
When tea and the cookies were ready Zane couldn't stop saying "more, more, more, please, please"
When he saw the steam coming off the tea cup he loved playing with it.
In the middle of our tea and Cranford time the post arrived and a Valentine's Card from Grandma Ginny. Inclosed inside the card was a sweet gift for Ezra. 
Zane loved the teddy bear on the front of the card. 
So he had to kiss it of course :)
Zane insists the tea isn't hot for him, with his "more, more, more"I can't resist him and I let him sip my tea after warning him it is hot So he sips it very gently and carefully and then he says, "please, please, please, more, more, more" :)
Little Ezra was enjoying the sun shine coming through the window on the couch. He slept a bit and then he awoke for tea which he kicked his legs up and down and stared up at me. His cute little nose and lips are so kissable for mommy,
Here he fell asleep again after a nice long feeding. 
Hope you have time to get cozy and snug this sweet day. 
Much Love to you all!
~ Marie


Homeschool on the Croft said...

Oh, Marie. They are adorable. These photos are so precious, they really are.
Have a look at the one of Zane holding the card and look down... at his feel. Oh, they're adorable! Kissable. (feet are kissable until a certain age!!)
What a lovely afternoon tea, too. That, along with a period drama. Yes, any day!
Oh, and I've got to say: that is one stately, handsome dog you have there. Positively regal! x

Amber said...

can i tell you that i just love reading your blog - it puts me in such a happy, peaceful mood. Happy Valentine's Day dear friend!!

Marie said...

you are so sweet and so much fun for taking such delight in babies and their yummy feet, cheeks and chub.

Such a happy Valentine's to you too Amber!!
Much Love :)

Davene Grace said...

I agree with Amber - the happiness and peace simply flow from your blog. I love to see pictures of your dog with your boys. :)

Unknown said...

Marie! Ok, baby is cute, Zane is sweet...blah, blah, know what love I have for your family. ha! BUT...YOUR DOG IS SO HUGE!!! OH MY!!! I don't think I've ever seen a photo before. Wow!

(I know, I read this sweet post and that's all I come away with. sorry!);-)

Lisa said...

that was me...signed in to wrong account.;-)

Pam said...

These are so precious sweetie. I am just eating them up. The picture of Zane and Strydiss at the window is adorable. Baby is getting big. Miss you so much. Loved chatting with you today.
Love Mom

Anonymous said...

How sweet! I just love the pictures. The tea together looks so special ooh and Cranford is one of my favourites, how lovely!!!
Dawn x


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